
Trump, the Republicans and Their Empty Promises. Why Would Any American Vote for a Republican? Scrood | Show 26


Why Would Any American Vote for a Republican? Trump, the Republicans and Their Empty Promises have decimated our economy and a secure and dreams-fulfilled future. Is it true that to believe in the American dream, you would have to be dreaming? Have republican tax policies, deregulation, and their supreme court justices made the American dream the American nightmare? 

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Hello everybody, Ben and Elly are hosting later this week, but I have your back with some awesome facts. And you guessed it, this episode uncovers the facts about Trump and the republicans. Trump, the Republicans and their empty promises. Why would any American vote for a republican? Presumtive, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump promised... I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created. When Trump was president, by the end of his term, he presided over a nearly historic net loss of three million American jobs. Taking into account the pandemic, and using the first 30 months in office prior to the pandemic, Trump numbers hovered around five point two million job gains. However, Biden still kicks his butt with a thirteen point two million jobs gain. And let's not forget, Biden's first thirty months in office was mostly during the pandemic when many people were, um, at home. Donald Trump is now the worst jobs president in American history. Not a good jobs number for Trump. By contrast, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fourteen million two hundred sixty three thousand jobs were created from twenty twenty one to December twenty twenty three on Bidens watch. Over seven hundred ninety thousand were manufacturing jobs and the economic growth rate increasd by two point five percent. In comparison, Trump lost jobs and the economic growth rate fell by three point four percent. Under Biden, the S & P continued to increase over twenty eight percent, and the number of Americans with health insurance increased too. America's economy has almost always done worse under republican presidents. And since 1933, the US economy has grown nearly twice as fast under democrats. Even Donald Trump has admitted this publicly. just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Trump defenders shout from the roof tops that the pandemic messed with Trump's numbers. I have to laugh. Trump took office in twenty seventeen, well before the pandemic. On January twentieth twenty twenty CDC reports the first laboratory-confirmed case of the two thousand nineteen Novel Corona virus in the U.S. from samples taken on January eighteenth in Washington state and on the same day activates its Emergency Operations Center to respond to the emerging outbreak. Get the picture? Trump had one year of the pandemic, but Biden had two, until April eleventh twenty twenty three. When the pandemic was officially over. In addition, Trump failed to have a national strategy during covid and even denied the severity of the pandemic and bullied and belittled scientists and other experts. He failed to develop and implement testing, tracking, and preventative measures in a timely fashion and even denounced the vaccine, social distancing, and masking. He even announced that one might use a disinfectant as a viable and safe option in curing oneself of covid nineteen. After Trump made this statement, According to the CDC, 4 percent of Americans drank or garggled with a household cleaner or disinfectent, and 6 percent inhaled the vapors. Poison Control Centers reported a one hundred twenty one percent increase in poisonings after Trumps statement. Trump was so lacking in forethought, he even shipped nearly 18 tons of PPE supplies, including masks and respirators to China, failing to foresee Americans future need for the life saving devices and ultimately shortages. But Trump thinks he's great and tells us all the time. I built the greatest economy ever built anywhere in the world. The year he took office in 2017, Americas jobs slowed under Trump. The Obama economy grew more jobs in his last three than Trump in his first three years. For those of you with short memories, Greed, Bush 2, and increased republican deregulation, crashed the economy in two thousand and eight. So it started off bad for Obama. Another crappy legacy gifted by the repubs. Despite the republican legacy, Obama eventually managed to produce a 325 thousand job gain with a 48 percent increase in manufacturing jobs, and a 12 to 24 percent income increase. Which is amazing considering the dismal state of not only the American economy, but of the world economy. Furthermore under Trump, most blue collar and middle class Americans saw their incomes decrease, and like I said, he lost nearly three million jobs for Americans. But his tax cuts for the rich and big corporations was a land slide for the elite and resulted in huge donations and future financial loyalty for the next Trump campaign. Remember when Trump promised us all, a four thousand dollar raise through his tax cuts? a 4, 000 pay raise. Did you experience a 4 grand pay raise for even one of the four years he held office? Nobody I know received more money back or saw a decrease in taxes. As a matter of fact, several people I know paid more. So how about that? Another thing, since tax cuts are a percentage of what the earner makes, the difference is tiny. If you make thirty grand a year, and receive a tax cut amounting to 900 bucks, well that's pretty much nothing, especially considering that thirty grand just ain't enough and there is never any left over unless your living with your parents. And this is only a cut if nothing else in the tax code has changed. It most likely has. And the tax payer will end up paying more. Also, in your situation, will you be taking a standard deduction or itemizing. But if you make five hundred grand a year. In theory, you get a fifteen thousand dollar pay raise. A nice little chunk, but still small compared to the uber rich and big corporations that make millions or billions each year and pay much less in taxes, a smaller percentage, compared to the money made, not necessarily earned. But that's another show. Don't forget the plethora of tax loopholes available to the individual or entity that have the highest incomes and revenues. Oh, and just a word on this. If you made eleven thousand dollars or less. You got nothing. I continue, Republican trickle down, is just tax cuts for the rich and mega corporations. No matter the lay-offs, decreased employee benefits if any, dismantling pensions, robotic automation, AI, stock buy backs, huge CEO pay, fabricated gains and dividends, and price gouging... trickle down is shoved down our throats as if we are subjegated little morons holding our hands out for the crumbs we are given and begging for more. I have to admit. The public appears to be moving in this direction. Is our education system this bad? But I digress. Ruthless Reagan did the same tax cut, trickle down B.S. and the economy was gasping for air during both his terms. We had one long recession during his reign and unemployment was nearly eleven percent at one point, but a wopping twenty eight percent in the manufacturing towns of the rust belt. To compare the severity of Reagan's policies, unemployment was twenty five point six percent in May of nineteen thirty three, during the great depression. So you tell me. Am I crazy? Why do Americans forget their favorite republican's terrible policies? Bush two cuts hurt Americans as well. We pay for these so called trickle down tax cuts to the rich and big corporations. Growth slowed and so did investment in manufacturing, employment, education, infrastructure, alternative energy, healthcare and other services. Republicans also exploded the debt and the deficit. Reagan, increased the national debt by an astounding 186 percent. An all time record. Debt increased significantly under Bush two as well, even though the worlds, banks gone wild, debacle created economic havoc and was recorded many years after he left office. Deregulation,... what a gas... Back to getting serious, In four years, not eight, Trump's tax cuts to the rich and other policies increased the debt by seven point eight trillion dollars, and the federal debt held by the public increased fifty percent. The trade deficit increased by over forty percent and manufacturing jobs were down 154 thousand. Reagan, Bush two, and Trump tax cuts that mostly benefited the rich and big corporations are one of the defining decisions that result in American debt growing faster than the economy. Democrats care more about us, our jobs, safe manufacturing, a living wage, healthcare, affordable medicine, our health, social security, small business, small farms, student debt, personal debt, childcare, infrastructure, our freedoms, the economy; eliminating exorbitant late fees, usery loans, and gouging medication prices. Democrats care more about our environment and the national debt to name a few more. Most of their policies reflect that. Let's not forget the democratic nominations of more level headed and unbiased federal judges and supreme court justices.

Like the old saying goes:

The proof is in the pudding. Republican presidents have led us into the three worst economic crisis of the last century. Democrats pulled us out. Trump ran Washington like his companies and the swamp he always complains about. creating massive debt, massive failures, feeding the rich with public funds like subsidies, R and D, tax cuts, and special governmental contracts and investment. At the same time, starving the poor and working poor buy cutting safety nets and programs. Trump is right , the system is rigged. But he has it backward. by intention. the uber wealthy, banking system and big multi-national corporations suck us all dry. Why would any American trust these people and put any republican congress person, President and their administration in the White House, and by extension, their justices in the courts, ever again?

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