
Creepy Vance Stalks Kamala Harris and Team Trump Continue with the Racist Insults | Ethans AI Updates | Airforce 2 | B6


The Terrible Trump team strikes again with their creepy and racist rants.

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Visceral vermiculating Vance follows VP Harris and Governor Walz from state to state. Apparently, Vance is turning green when Harris and Walz glide onto the tarmac on Airforce Two. Voyeur vermiculating Vance and his gang were walking up to Airforce Two before being stopped. Vance had the audacity to try and inspect the plane. But that's not all. He actually proclaimed that he was checking out his future plane, Take a listen... I figured I'd come by and, uh, one, just get a good look at the plane. Hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months, but I also thought you guys might get lonely. An arrogant arse, Vermiculating Vance is creepy. But the team members of Trump the Terrible have always been arrogant idiots. If you were thinking that vermiculating Vance is alright and his comments and actions didn't make you have a second thought, Then the comments and posts of the official Trump spokesman, Steven Chung, just might. Chubby chastizing Chung posts a venn diagram on the left it reads Kama, on the right it reads bla in the middle it reads Kamabla. But that's not all, Chung continues his verbal assault writing on a post,"Make sure Airforce Two is deep cleaned because lord only knows what Kama la Harris and her team have done on there." He slithers even lower,"The smell alone on that plane must be crazy." Chubby, chastizing Chung makes me hurl. If you vote for these people,


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