Scrood is a satirical, light and easy Political Humor & Comedy information and mini documentary podcast about gett'n SCROOD by the system--facts & laughs covering as much as we can for free. Before the election, Scrood produced satirical content aimed at exposing corruption in politics, the supreme court and BIG, multinational business. Youtube, X, Pinterest and some podcast platforms throttled our show, making it unavailable to many. After our Holiday break, we will return to our society and documentary content.
Despite big tech companies from hiding our content, Scrood still reaches thousands of podcast listeners. Subscribe, follow and share our content to inform people about our unfair justice system and tax system, healthcare, housing, jobs and wages; toxins released in our food, water, soil and air. Together, we can beat the elite corporate giants and the politicians that protect them. Shout-out, subscribe and share.
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Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and Wealth in America
Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, The Economy and the Role of Government
The True Patriot
The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It
Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few
Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future
Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy and Everyday Life
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Occasional slaughterous scroodisms.
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Dumb Donald Trump | Trump the Moron Drumpf Discusses Invisible Jets and Internal Covid Lung Disinfectant | Scrood
Dumb Donald Trump | Trump the Moron Drumpf Discusses Invisible Jets, Internal Covid 19 Lung Disinfectant and Puerto Rico hurricane. Stupid is as stupid does (says). Scrood Podcast @scroodfm
Scrood is a satirical, light and easy Political Humor & Comedy News podcast about gett'n SCROOD by the system--facts & laughs covering as much as we can for free. Scrood produces satirical content aimed at exposing corruption in politics, the supreme court and and BIG, multinational business.
Scrood reaches thousands of podcast listeners. Shout-out, subscribe and share our content. Together, we can beat the elites and the far right.
We support democracy, human rights, civil rights, women's/reproductive rights, unions/worker rights, free healthcare for all, small business, small farms, fair share tax, justice equality, social security, medicare, affordable housing, clean environment; safe food, water and air, and all things for the people.
Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and Wealth in America
Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, The Economy and the Role of Government
The True Patriot
Shameless: Republicans' Deliberate Dysfunction and the Battle to Preserve Democracy
The Echo Machine: How Right-Wing Extremism Created a Post-Truth America
Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump
Revenge: How Donald Trump Weaponized the US Department of Justice Against
His Critics Hardcover
Lucky Loser: How Donald Trump Squandered His Father's Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success
The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It
Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few
Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future
Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy and Everyday Life
Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America
A Return to Common Sense: How to Fix America Before We Really Blow It
Find our Links and Listen here: or listen on Amazon Music, Audible, Amazon Echo, iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or anywhere you listen.
Ben Scrood and Elly Stone are the hosts of the Scrood podcast at Scrood FM.
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The dumb shit our former president has said in the past and present and this is this the past shit, mainly
Elly:Is Donald Trump a moron, an idiot, or an imbecile
Ben:I may have an answer to that. Mm-Hmm.
Elly:what is it?
Ben:Trump has, uh, all of the above, Phil laundered. Is it philandering? Is that the word I'm looking for? Screwing around? Yeah. I think there may be some type of S disease. a, I'm specifically saying S disease.
Elly:It starts with an S.
Ben:Yes. I think it's, I think it's attacking his, I think it's attacking his gray matter and it's all fucked up in there. Ah! That's my opinion. I am not a doctor, but I play one on TV. Just so everyone knows. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Elly:Alright, now I got something for ya. This is, uh, Now just, don't make me laugh. I'm gonna play something for ya. a little blast from the past.
Trump the Moron Drumpf:Yeah!
Ben:This is some stupid shit.
Trump the Moron Drumpf:The disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. And is there a way we can do something like that? Like, injection inside or, or, almost a cleaning, because you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check it out, so that you don't have to use medical doctors. It sounds interesting to me.
Ben:Okay. Let's dissect this for a second. Let's dissect this for a second. Oh me Octopus first of all, compose yourself here. Just take a breath. First of all, he wants to use medical doctors. So that's actually a good thing. We're not going to use veterinarians. we're not going to use, uh, snake handlers, but he wants to inject something into people, you know, inside as opposed to injecting people outside. I mean, he first, he's nuts. This guy is nuts.
Elly:You can take some bleach or any disinfectant that you have. Okay. It doesn't matter. You can use it throughout the minute and you can put it. You know, in an orifice on the inside, it's in the lungs, that's right, it's in the lungs. You could somehow inject it directly into the lungs, cause you know, COVID really does a number on the lungs.
Ben:No, you can use, you can use a turkey baster in your anus and it'll get there either way. This guy is out there, man.
Elly:Shame, shame, shame. I cannot believe this guy. What else,
Ben:No, we have more.
Elly:We could, inject right into the lungs, or.
Elly:Turkey baster thing. He would probably like that.
Ben:I'm sure he's been basted a few times by a few people. Meow, meow. Let's not talk about Allie's now. All
Elly:right, well. Meow, Shall we move on or? Let's hear the next one. Should I roll on the floor one more time?
Ben:This is Ben Scrood live from the battlefield in In 1776, reporting to you on the ground. This is an exclusive. Now, whoa, hold on a second, President Donald Trump is coming to the microphone. He has something to say. Live
Elly:from the Revolutionary War.
Trump the Moron Drumpf:It manned the airport. It ran the ramparts. It took over the airports. It did everything it had
Ben:British cannot fly their planes into the United States and land them because there are no more airports. They've knocked out the airports. Here in, in 1776,
Elly:and you can't see him.
Elly:invisible. Couldn't see them. We'd be right next to them. Can't see them.
Ben:The planes were invisible, but the pilots weren't. Oh, Wonder Woman! You'd see these people sitting, flying in the sky in a seated position. I would suspect that the enemy would be able to say, you know what? I bet they're in a plane.
Elly:let's hear what our former president said about those invisible planes.
Ben:Donald Trump's in the audience. Let's get Donald Trump up here. Here he comes. There he
Trump the Moron Drumpf:F 35s, fighter jets. They're stealth. You can't see them. I said, how good are these? They said, well sir, the problem is you can't see them when you fight them. I said, that sounds like it's a big advantage. I said, how does it do it in fights? And how do they do it in fights with the F 35? Said, we do very well, you can't see it. You literally, you can't see it. He said, well, sir, you can't see it. I said, yeah, but in a fight, you know, a fight, like I watch on the movies. Fight, they're fighting. How good is it? Well, because the enemy cannot see it. Even if it's right next to it, it can't see
Ben:This man has lost it, absolutely lost it. You think? he is so fixated on the fact that they can't see it. He has to say, they can't see it, they can't see it, they can't see it, they can't see it. Wow. He is an idiot. Idiot.
Elly:the radar
Ben:It's not visible on the radar, you know, it has a very small signature, but the plane is still visible. Too
Elly:much TV. He's just, oh man. Wonder Woman, remember that?
Elly:Wonder Woman.
Ben:You're still seeing sitting down and flying around.
Elly:Oh Donnie. And coming right up, Puerto Rico, has really big water. Listen to this.
Trump the Moron Drumpf:Surrounded by Water, big water, ocean
Elly:laughter Big
Ben:water, ocean water. Oh
Elly:The former President of the United States. II just can't Wrap my head around that.
Ben:He wants more time to make a fool of himself and the country and the American people. I can't wrap my head around it.
Elly:I just can't. Mama.
Ben:Put him out to pasture.
Elly:Done. Stay tuned, folks. We'll be, we'll be back with more. I guarantee it because he's such an idiot. Or is that imbecile?
Ben:It never ends.
Elly:Moron. Dumb, dumb.
Ben:It never ends.
Elly:Stupid. Stupid is as stupid does. Come back and we will have more and you can laugh your ass off and roll all over the floor. Like I just did. And I'm not embarrassed to say so. Bye.
Ben:Thanks for listening.
Elly:You got me.
Elly:Bye. For all of our links and to listen to our free podcast, go to Scrood. buzzsprout. com spelled with two O's. Vote blue through and through. We started Scrood to fight corruption in politics. The Supreme Court, and the big multinational businesses. We are all in this together. Help the cause and let's take them down by fighting together and sharing each other's podcasts and channels. Scrood reaches thousands of podcast listeners. Subscribe, follow, and share our content to inform and drive people to vote for democracy, freedom, health care, cleaner environment, and better jobs and wages. for all of our links and to listen to our free podcast, go to Scrood. buzzsprout. com spelled with two O's. That's S C R O O D dot buzzsprout. com. Get all of our links there at Scrood. buzzsprout. com spelled with two O's. Anyway, We gotta run, don't let us down America, or we will all be Scrood! Look, everybody, get out and vote blue, down the ticket to.
Elly:Check to make sure that you have not been purged from voting registries, especially if you are a Democrat, independent voter, or a person of color. And we all know this too, I don't have to tell ya, if you live in a red state or district, double check like three times. Tell everyone, everyone, to vote blue across the board. Yes. If you're going to be absent, make sure you still vote. Vote by mail. If you're going to be at work, schedule a day off. Tell your friends to schedule a day off right now so you can vote. Don't wait. Drive together. Pack your SUV. Ride the bus. Vote blue down the ticket so we can get something done from presidents, Congress, and local politicians. Vote Democrat. Save us from the Uber religious, right? Billionaires and big business elites that have already removed 50 years of progress. Save us from bias. Big money. Supreme court justices